Nuclear Power Plants
» Message from the "Women of Fukushima" (German) 6th anniversary of the catastrophe
21.05.: Swiss vote against nuclear energy!
Textblock der Kategorie „Strukturen der Schuld“
» Message from the "Women of Fukushima" (German) 6th anniversary of the catastrophe
21.05.: Swiss vote against nuclear energy!
Structures of 'Guilt' - Focus on the church year 2016/2017 Many injustices are structurally given or anchored. They cannot be attributed to individual people. They are, so to speak, "in the system". Guilty are those, who recognize these "structures of guilt" and do nothing about them, but shrugging their shoulders, (or even with hidden intent) continue as before. They draw more and more helpless people and animals into these structures, or they prevent them from… Weiterlesen »Structures of ‘Guilt’ – Focus on the church year 2016/2017